Educationnc Award-winning Journalism And Public Policy Analysis

India’s larger education system is the third largest on the earth, after China and the United States. The primary governing body at the tertiary stage is the University Grants Commission , which enforces its requirements, advises the government Education News, and helps co-ordinate between the centre and the state as much as Post commencement and Doctorate . Accreditation for higher learning is overseen by 12 autonomous establishments established by the University Grants Commission.

Corruption In Education

School curriculums have always been a supply of controversy—but by no means more so than within the subjects of science and history. That controversy ignited a raging blaze in the mid-19th century when Charles Darwin printed “On the Origin of the Species” in 1859 and the American Civil War became the bloodiest conflict in history. From then on, geographic location largely determined whether students realized biblical creation or evolution in biology class and …